Forage and Forage Mixes
Foraging is an natural activity for the wellbeing of your pet. Add our Natural Organic Herbs or our Natural Organic Herbal Mixture to your pets diet. Or spread around in their enclosure. Introduce new forage slowly to allow adjustment.
Showing all 19 results
Botanical Name:
Calendula officinalis.
Botanical Name:
Apium graveolens
Botanical name:
Matricaria recutita.
Botanical name:
Taraxacum officinale.
Botanical name:
Echinacea augustifolia
Forage Mix – Calendula and RosePetal
Forage Mix. A Natural, Organic and Healthy Herbal Blend for your Rabbits or Guinea-Pigs.
Botanical name:
Hibiscus sabdariffa
Botanical name:
Lavendula intermedia.
Botanical name:
Urtica dioica.
Botanical name:
Mentha x piperita
Botanical Name:
Plantago lanceolata
Botanical name:
Rubus idaeus
Botanical name:
Trifolium pratense
Botanical Name:
Rosa gallica
Botanical Name:
Rosa canina
Botanical name:
Rosmarinus officinalis.
Botanical Name:
Galega officinalis
Botanical Name:
Achillea millefolium
Forage and Forage Mixes